Fire Station 9 - Farrago
Stainless steel, corten steel. 2020 Client: The City of Orlando, FL
The Firefighting orb sculpture, Farrago, is a 6 foot diameter assemblage orb containing over 95 fire station specific objects. Also included in the sculptural matrix are many additional visually intriguing stainless steel elements. The orb sits atop a corten steel pyramid shaped base which brings the total height of the sculpture to approx. 11 feet. The base will oxidize over time and weather into a rich brown surface in contrast to the stainless steel which will stay bright and metallic.
From afar the sculpture appears as a reflective sphere. Approaching closer, one sees it’s made from an organized cacophony of stainless steel hose nozzles, pry bars, ladder parts, axes, crowbars, fire extinguishers, fire truck fixtures, etc. It looks as if some cosmic magnet has pulled these varied objects together to form a perfect sphere.
Being re-built from disparate objects, the orb echoes the spirit of firefighters to protect, rescue, salvage and rebuild.
Spectrum Bay News 9 video about the sculpture.